Originally posted by clips
hair like wool skin like bronze,..it\'s in the bible,..sounds black to me...and if it doesn\'t make a difference what color he is, why is it that we see a blue eyed straight haired jesus?..:rolleyes:...because i think all the white folk would have a heart attack if they put up the the real image of jesus...adam and eve,... y\'know the first man and woman came from..." drum role"...africa!....if you believe in the bible then you must know that adam and eve were black....:fro:..ok white folk..now..who\'s yer daddy?...
No argument about Adam and Eve. But Jesus was not black. And not European white.
And here it is again. People taking the Revelations LITERALLY. JEEEEZUS CHRIST!
"His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters." (Rev. 1:14 and 1:15)
Now....I know black people want to have this exclusive right over Jesus as their own...but I\'m sorry. He\'s not black and not white.
Jews were not exactly fond of marrying beyond their own kind back then and probably even now. It\'s highly likely - Jesus was Jewish. WOW. Imagine that.
Now that you know the facts, you can print this out and hand it off to your pastor. And tell him to stop taking the Bible literally. It\'s stupid.
Merry Christmas