Originally posted by GigaShadow
Islam is in desperate need of a Renaissance, much like what Europe had back at the end of the middle ages.
Not gonna happen. And I say fine. Let them live in perpetual dark ages if they want to. I don\'t particularly care. In general I would say "don\'t mess with us and we won\'t mess with you." Whether that is possible NOW, I don\'t know, but I think it
could be possible to adopt that stance toward the muslim theocracies.
The problem is that it won\'t hold for the long term. Eventually when the quality of life in South Asia and Latin America starts rising to the point where the labor force in those countries cannot be completely exploited, and pay rates begin to rise above poverty levels, the corporations will start looking elsewhere for exploitable labor. They will look at the middle east and say to themselves "maybe it\'s time we brought THEM into the global economy!" Corporations have already started to explore them as a market for consumer goods. When they begin to encroach on them as a source of cheap labor, then the backlash is really going to catch fire.
I think we need to ignore the middle east in every way. Develop alternate fuels so we don\'t have to buy their oil. Don\'t sell them products that clash with their cultural beliefs. Don\'t expoit their workforce. Don\'t take any interest in them whatsoever. They can do whatever they want as far as I care.