Originally posted by Viper_Fujax
MLK did more than bone and rap about ho\'s..so why even talk about similarities between rappers to MLK,lol.
abe lincoln probably boned his slaves..so should we take what he did away?
You know the fact that he compared MLK to rapper just continues to show just how things are really fucked up.
And for your information halberto it is the media that exploits these false images of black ppl. As far as rap culuture is concern a majority of it I don\'t have a problem with.
It\'s the rediculous crap that gets all the exposure and white ppl believe thats how african americans are.
And hal if you want me to forget the past then fuck you. Just because I remember the past does not mean I am living it. I don\'t judge white ppl and I don\'t see them all as devils. The fact that all black ppl have to be judge on what people see in rap videos. That really pisses me off.
The fact that vid brought up rap videos when he talks about african americans as whole just shows how far this soceity still has to go.
I don\'t judge white ppl off the poor white trash, crack loving mages I see all the time.