Just want to throw my 2 cents in.
A. Homosexuality is normal only in a certain context. It\'s "normal" because it happens with a relatively high level of frequency. Otherwise it\'s a counterproductive anamoly in the fabric of nature. I feel it\'s not something to be cherished, but accepted as a reality. Until proven otherwise I\'d like to think of it as a epidemic, as well. Not so much a disease.
In 50 years, come back here and tell me that I was wrong when you see that the US\' gay population hasn\'t risen at least 5 percent. I think it\'s possible that a sizeable portion of gay people were not born gay, and I think that number will increase as we continue to accept homosexuality as an equal to heterosexuality. There is no sex in homosexuality, FFS!
Crucify me for my views if you will, guys. Gays fight for this cause because if they don\'t, their culture is lost. Their lives, their confusion would not be justified if they lost. It\'s like tearing goths away from their Hot Topic. Most gay sympathizers are probably in the same camp as the "the terrorists didn\'t cause 9/11, we caused 9/11" group. Yeah.
B. Of course I\'d allow the pill. However, if my child eventually chose a gay lifestyle I think I\'d be okay with him/her. I\'d just hate myself.