JBean: Frankly a good point and +1 to my behavioral theory.
Similar to the situation regarding my mother\'s childhood friend Kevin. (a homosexual)
He grew up in a family consisting of a mother and 4 sisters.
LiC: I don\'t think it\'s so cut-and-dry as that. A boy hits puberty, finds himself attracted to men, and thus he must have been born a homosexual? I still think it\'s all in a person\'s head, culminating from events in their childhood and certain circumstances.
The argument that should spawn out of this is how to deal with it (i.e. should we legalize gay marriage, etc) rather than whether it\'s a birth defect or not.
It does pain me when I consider what I\'ve heard from homosexuals in the past. Such as their openness to incredible age-gaps (a recent article in Boston Metro by a gay intellectual cites the beauty of "40-something M.D.\'s living with 18-year-old boys") ...their subtle desperation, and the way that a lot of ugly men/women turn to homosexuality for love.
I\'m really tired of this topic, so this\'ll be my last post.