where do you live, I might ask?
It is only picking up steam in the states, like I said, they sell them as fast as they get them and the games are selling really well, with CoD2 probably passing 1 million in March, Fight Night 3 probably around 400k or so, Graw probably around 500k (sold 270k in it\'s first week), Oblivion surely selling a couple hundred thousand, too. UK, Germany, and France, it seems more or less the same story. Only Japan is it tanking wildly. It even had the most successful launch ever for a console in Australia. I know that that isn\'t too impressive a figure, but it shows that the hype isn\'t being hurt and it is selling well. It had it\'s most successful month post launch, surely this past month. I don\'t know what is coming out in April, but if it is anything quality, they should be able to continue these high sales for the next few months.