i am insulted for listening to yellowcard while you are listening to a band called "the flaming lips"
You\'ve obviously never listened to them. You see, I was insulting Yellowcard because they are a corny, pop punk emo band with no substance. They are what you could considered shitty music.
You see The Flaming Lips are a band with substance. The Flaming Lips create amazing music with lush and magical sounds, much more to be said than Yellowcard\'s monotone punk with violin, oh joy. You can\'t even put a garbage-can-band, Yellowcard, and The Flaming Lips in a sentence together, this particular sentence being the only exception.
:thumb: Oh yeah, The Flaming Lips new cd
At War With the Mystics is released on my birthday, April 4th. What a great gift
Right now I\'m listening to:
Sepultura - City of DisAnyone else enjoy DANTE XXI as much as I am? They haven\'t put out something this good in some time.