well, look at Job 38:4-7
Looks like we existed before the foundation of the earth, too. How could we have existed in Genesis 1:26, it says that the God (in plural form) created us after he created the earth. Looks like we have always existed, too.
It really is an interesting thing to talk about.
The Bible is the real scripture. It is God\'s word, after all. Of course, it has passed through many hands, which is why we see so many translations in today\'s world, none exactly to same, effectively changing what God intended when it was written. The Book of Mormon hasn\'t passed through alot of hands. It is God\'s word, too. But we just believe it has been prepared for our time. To show us that God still reveals new things. That he isn\'t a dead God, done with teaching us what we need to know.
In religion, concerning baptism and such, almost all churches believe that theirs is the only true church and the only one with all the answers. That by going to another church, you will receive less of that truth. We are no different in that respect. But, instead of merely saying that we have all the answers, we say that Jesus Christ himself restored His origial church back on the earth. Not another break-off of Catholicism like the Lutherans, Protestants, Presbyterians, Anglicans, etc. But God restoring His church with a prophet and 12 apostles.
Like I said, we all have the same fundamentals, catholics, mormons, baptists, etc.
Jesus is our savior, we are children of God, we can return to live with God after this life.