My point is that its not THAT far away and it will be a problem for the generation(s) after us. With the mentality of, "its not my problem, I\'ll continue to live as wastefully as possible and hope that some random scientist can figure out how to clean up after me" is idiotic. Yes, this problem might not be that big of a deal, but can you honestly say with 100% certainty that the lifestyle that we as a race, is not negatively affecting the planet?
Edit: after reading over it, looks like I\'m just attacking Viper, which I\'m not. Sorry.
i know you arent attacking, but i do recycle, bought a car that takes almost 2 and a half weeks to fill up and has good smog (who buys a hybrid as their first car,lol), and small things like that..not like i go out of my way to help, but i dont think im affecting the problem like a large portion of the population. Just having a car hurts a lot of problems but cars are a necessity now.
My main point was that we have more things to worry about, that is pretty much the same as "the ocean will rise 3 inches in the nexy century" er however long it is (which has its probability of being from global warming). And i was saying its not specifically my problem because i do small things, and i will have no effect on the situation doing those things, so its up to the scientists who should be thinking right now how to fix the problem(s).
And i honestly dont think we, humans, can change our ways. The best well do is get stricter regulations on things like chemical plants that will help a decent amount. But as for things like smog and how every day people affect the problem, well never get them to do it. Some call that pessimism, i say realism.