Well, wife is buying me COD4 today for an early present or something.
Also bought Crackdown off Amazon, as they had it on sale for $20 bucks. Should be here around the New Year.
I\'ve bought too many games as of late.
The Orange Box (HL2 , Episode 1 , Episode 2, Portal and TF2)
The Witcher
Battlefield 1942
Assassin\'s Creed
Rock Band
Mass Effect
Virtua Fighter 5 Online
Super Puzzle Fighter HD
Sonic 2
Out of those, I\'ve managed to finish.
Half Life-Episode 2 (Orange Box)
Mass Effect
Sonic 2
Status on the others are...
On last level or so of Assasin\'s Creed, with no desire to finish.
Working my way thru the Quest mode of VF5 online, even bought a Hori stick.
Still play Team Fortress 2 every day I am off. Currently only play on [Q] Dustbowl 24/7 ranked server.
Waiting on a patch for The Witcher, which is a month pass due as of now. Starting to worry it won\'t come out and I\'ll never finish this excellent game.
Dissapointed in Tempest XBLA game. I love Tempest 2000, only reason I own an Atari Jaguar, but this one just drops the ball.
Battlefield 1942 , didn\'t even load it on my PC. It came with my Logitech G5 mouse.
Rock Band, still playing this in my spare time. I play guitar, wife does vocals. Right now I am working on hard and trying to save up some money for a killer guitar in-game.
Future Purchases, in very near future (within a month)
PSP - with Daxter, Castlevania and DarkStalkers
Super Street Fighter 2 HD (I cannot wait), if it makes it out on time.
Nintendo Wii - Mario Galaxy. Provided I can find one for under $400 bucks.