oh no, Eik
that will be you (and other wii users) in the pics above
you can\'t practically sit on the couch normally and swing the remote like a tennis racket/sword.
Relax man. Dont be so negative.
These pics are done that way on purpose to depict the function of the controller. There is some kind of exaggeration there. Even if you can play the game in a more relaxed manner I dont think they would have wanted to show her sitting motionless on a chair with her hands only moving. Its like an adverdisement anyways.
Its like a Pepsi commercial. A wet chick in a bikini drinking passionately and slowly a Pepsi, under the sun in slow motion, enjoying it as if she is having sex....I am still to see a chick in a bikini drinking a Pepsi that way.
In this case "Wiiiii I am playing the Wiiiii, its like skaaaateboarding for reeeeeal. hahaha its so much fun, wow look, its so immersing"