I dont\' like it when bands change singers. Its just not the same after that point. But what can you do. Rage split and it was basically all the same people except the lead singer and renamed the band (although they sang different stuff so I guess it merited a new band name). I dunno.
rage focused around the singer..only people who liked them knew how good the guitarist and bassist were/are, so they mightve gotten away with replacing one of the instruments..but zach whatever\'s lyrics and angry rapping made the band at a promotional level.
Did that guy ever make his solo album?
fuel...had THAT ONE song,lol. think they got popularity when Creed and Bush got popular..seems like there always little fad\'s that come and go..only great bands make it through the fads.
gracias for the info vid..he probably would get more $$ riding the "american idol favorite who got screwed" train. not that i think he got screwed but they showed the reaction of the people when he got booted on the news, leno, etc.