OMG i just saw this and i am angry.....easily the worst movie i have seen in a long time, they completely ruined everything!
Im gonna list some of my points of anger and i dont know how to use spoiler tag so if u dont wanna know what happens dont read past this point.
1.) Opening scene, theyre in a simulator and theyre fighting a sentinal.....this is fine except.....there is no sentinals in the first two movies and none in this one so......where the hell did the sentinal come from?! THEY DONT EXIST YET!
2.) Cyclops.......I understand hes in superman and such.......but really, he had a 30 second role in this, and dies at the conclusion of these 30 seconds.
3.) Professor X dies? WTF! Then at the end comes back in the brain dead person? Its like theyre planning a sequal, but that would cost someone their life so I hope to god they dont make one.
4.) Pheonix......I have no idea why they even bothered trying to put the pheonix story line in because that was retarded......she kills everyone and joins up with magneto? Why? And then she is killed by none other than Wolverine! So now we got Jean, Cyclops dead and Prof X in a different fun. Not to mention a bunch of badies that Jean disintegrated with her powers.
5.) The big fight scene on the island was pathetic. They have a huge mutant army in which over half of them just have the power to jump far.....after that they fight like normal people.
6.) They rushed everything.....they tried to compact the pheonix, mutant cure, brotherhood and mentioned the sentinals all into a 2 hour movie which concluded with everyone in the world being like "Yeah go mutants!"
7.) When Prof X just pops into that Does he have powers still? Or is he just human? If the mutations are in the DNA....and hes in a new body, that must mean that he doesnt have the mutation any more....which makes me question why they even bothered showing that he is alive anyway.
Im sure there is more than upset me about this movie thta i cant think of right now. The only thing I liked about this movie was the ending because we found out that the cure wears off, which leave a slight possiblity of a decent sequal.