I know there was another thread about this game, but that thread seemed to dissolve into arguments about the Xbox 360 version vs. PC version. I gathered most were considering the PC version, so I decided to post in this forum.
I\'m spending a lot of time with this game, so it seems I\'m getting my money\'s worth. According to my save file, I\'m at about 36 playing hours, and from what I\'ve heard, I could be spending 4x that by the time I\'m finished.
I currently have a level 8 wood elf, and I\'ve been spending most of my time leveling my sneak, marksman, and alchemy skills. I am a walking medicine cabinet of potions and poisons. Looking forward to leveling my Alchemy again so I can start making super poisons. Poisoned arrows are teh shiat. My Restoration and Destruction skills are reasonably good for now, but I need to somehow raise my conjuration, mysticism, and illusion skills. I could really use an increase in armorer and mercantile, but those seem to improve so slowly. Some of my skills are so stunted, it\'s sort of pathetic. I guess I need to start solving problems in a different way to broaden my skills.
I know I want to join the Thieve\'s Guild and Dark Brotherhood at some point to sample their missions, but I don\'t know if that will hurt my standing in the legit guilds. I am currently an associate of the Mage\'s Guild, collecting recommendations from all the cities to become a genuine member. Does anyone have any insight?
I could ask few more questions, but I\'ll leave it alone for now.