Hybrids are the biggest waste of money. Unless you drive like an old woman, you aren\'t saving gas and American\'s will NOT change their driving habits. Besides, people are overlooking diesel. Even 20 years ago, they got 30-40 miles per gallon and modern diesel engines can make the power of gasoline engines and are cleaner than they ever were, releasing emissions close to if not better than gasoline. Look at Audi. They won at 12 Hours of Sebring in their R10 which was the only diesel powered car ever entered in there and LeMans.
People are also overlooking ethanol. Its relatively cheap, yields high amounts of energy, non toxic and you could drink it if you wanted. Plus it will stimulate our agricultural economy. It also has less emissions than gasoline.
I\'m not sold on hydrogen. Its harder to manufacture, the technology is very expensive (i think a Civic is what, 100 grand or something?) and I wouldn\'t want a gas as explosive as hydrogen in my tank when I get rearended. Besides, ethanol works under the same principles as gasoline so it is also possible to convert gasoline engines to hydrogen and car manufacturers just have to replace certain parts on their engines with a material that can handle alcohol, which they have been doing (older car engines will corrode if there is anything over E10 or 10% ethanol).