I installed Vista Beta2 last friday. Installation went perfectly without a bruise. It is installed on a secondary partition, so I can boot in Xp or Vista. After 1st boot was done, I had to troubleshoot 2 devices that werent properly installed. My onboard ethernet card and soundcard. I just override the Vista driver with the one on my motherboard CD-rom and both devices have been working fine since.
My computer isnt the lastest of the bomb thing but it\'s good enough to handle the whole "aero" experience at is fullest (P4 2.8HT, 1gig ram, ATI x850XT). It\'s really hard to explain, but unless you see the thing in motion you cant really say you\'ll go back to your win2k/ME feel. Windows draw and move without a glitch or blurry movement. Program and window when called arent build pieces by piece (frame, menu, button and window content) Instead they appear as if they were launched at you a ball. The start menu is really nice to. Program list do not fold/unfold anymore in long listing. Instead they are shown directly embebed in the start menu and you double click directories to go in them. Left side menu always show you "top accessed program".
Every component / program I have isntall since work. Nero, adobe reader, winamp, office, imgburn.. I cant really say if they work better or worst. however I can say that I didnt encouter any crash or bugtype thing. I do belive everything is working faster.
All in all, I really appreciate the new Windows. The gadget sidebar didnt proove much usefullness for now, but when people\'s creativity got into it, it\'ll will probably be very interesting.