Here\'s my oops I\'m an idiot college story..
Early in the semester, I got my schedule mixed up with a class that was in the same bulding as another one. I arrived late (or so I thought) so I had to hastily make my way back to the end of the room. One girl I knew was looking at me like wtf is he doing here. After I sat down I looked around the class and realized I didn\'t recognize anyone. I was in the right room, but 2 hours too early. :hissyfit:
I didn\'t want to be an idiot and immediately get back up and leave after I just found my seat, so I waited. After about 5min of knowing I didn\'t have to be there I said screw it, grabbed all my stuff and made more of a distubance when leaving.
I feel like I typed this here before, deja vu.