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Author Topic: How Was Your 4th?  (Read 1505 times)

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How Was Your 4th?
« on: July 04, 2006, 09:25:42 PM »
Had no concrete plans other than to hang out with my roommies but it turned out to be one of the best ones evar.

Woke up @ 12-ish, went to the gym to make up for my small peepee, and then my roommates persuaded me to drive 25 miles south to spend Independence Day with our old crew.

Soon as we got there we were treated to a MF\'in feast.  BBQ Chicken, Steak, some special hot dags (whose names I forget) Spanish rice, chili, potato salad, apple pie, corn bread, and some more fixins to make America fat & proud.

Watched the Ringer w/ Johnny Knoxville which was actually funnier than expected, played Streets of Rage 2, couple games of Halo online, started the Island (Michael Bay), paused to do the ghey ass VA-legal fireworks, finished the Island.  Worst part is I have to go back to work tomorrow. :bash:

So how was your holiday?

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
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Offline square_marker
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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2006, 09:26:51 PM »
i arrested 2 people, broke up 3 domestic fights, and now have a renewed hate for islamic fundamentalists because of the tv movie... flight 93.

[COLOR=\"Blue\"]I found you Ms. New Booty[/COLOR]

Offline Evi

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2006, 09:43:53 PM »
Was away all weekend building more of the cabin. I\'m exhausted as f^ck, so I didn\'t really do anything tonight. Just glad to be home. Shot off some fireworks in my background watching my dog freak out and then heard the loud booms from the real fireworks some miles away. I didn\'t feel like driving through that traffic this year just to see explosions in the sky. But anyway...happy 4th of July people!

Offline Coredweller
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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2006, 09:57:53 PM »
I woke up at 6am to meet about 25 other S2000 owners for a drive on the Angeles Crest Highway.  It was cool man.  The Cops was out en force, and pulled over three groups of drivers, but they almost all resulted in warnings.  The only real citation one guy received was for "no front plate."  :rolleyes:

I ran over a big snake.  No shit.  I dedicated that one to warm blooded mammals everywhere.  :)

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\"The American Dream: You have to be asleep to believe it.\"  - George Carlin

Offline Living-In-Clip

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2006, 10:09:01 PM »
Dumbest holiday ever.

Went to fair. Stayed for five mintues. Went out to eat. Went home.

Offline Viper_Fujax

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2006, 10:10:48 PM »
dumbest holiday? dummer than valentines day? i disagree. Just another excuse for people to eat a lot and get drunk.

I watched italy win, ate a pretty big dinner, then watched fireworks. perdy simple.
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Offline Paul2

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2006, 10:34:26 PM »
Today was a great day for me.  Woke up around 1 P.M., then prepare my stuffs to go to the beach.  Before going to the beach, my aunt took my nieces, and nephew, and me to my cousin\'s house.  There I learned something new about water balloon.  My younger cousin threw the balloon into ground and the balloon doesn\'t blow up.  Surprise, I asked how come it doesn\'t break.  He said he filled the balloon with water, then he blew some air into the balloon, and that makes equal balance and won\'t break easily when drop it into the ground.  Very cool, and I tried some balloons he made and sure enough, it doesn\'t break when threw onto the ground, unless it\'s a hard throw.

Then, off our cousins, nieces, nephew, aunts and uncle, and me went to the beach.  The beach was better than i would have thought since the water is not that cold, and the wave are gentle most of the time.  We were playing on the water for over 2 hours.  I listened to my cousin and followed him to walking on the rocks next to the dock to catch some crabs, as we walked on those sharp rocks, we didn\'t find any crabs and a female lifesavers told us that we are not allowed to go there.  So we played on the beach some more before we went back home.  I went to my sister\'s house to play and watch some fireworks before I went back to my home.  Overall, it was a very good day for me.

Offline Kurt Angle

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2006, 12:16:43 AM »
what holiday?

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2006, 01:07:45 AM »
Quote from: Kurt Angle
what holiday?

it\'s some yank thing I think.
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Offline Evi

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2006, 01:18:45 AM »
The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), also known as the American War of Independence, was a conflict that erupted between Great Britain and revolutionaries within thirteen British colonies, who declared their independence as the United States of America in 1776. The war was the culmination of the American Revolution, a colonial struggle against political and economic policies of the British Empire. The war eventually widened far beyond British North America; many Native Americans also fought on both sides of the conflict.

Throughout the war, the British were able to use their naval superiority to capture and occupy coastal cities, but control of the countryside (where most of the population lived) largely eluded them. After an American victory at Saratoga in 1777, France, Spain, and the Netherlands entered the war against Great Britain. French involvement proved decisive, with a naval victory in the Chesapeake leading to the surrender of a British army at Yorktown in 1781. The Treaty of Paris in 1783 recognized the independence of the United States.
And so on and so forth...

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2006, 02:28:40 AM »
core, i envy you bro...trust..i would have absolutely luved to do some s**t like that! back in tha day me & my menz used to take trips to wildwood,nj and weekend trips to virginia, but half the fun was always getting there, because we were almost always four cars deep...ah the good times!....

anyway i didn\'t do much for the 4th....i had to work at night so no fireworks...just hung out and watched how.n.korea was testin. missles all over the place...they were kinda headlinin\' the 4th....if i didn\'t have to work tho..there\'s this spot down here called lake lanier which is supposed to be really nice....i would\'ve went there to check out the fireworks...and evi,..nice little history lesson there..:thumb:
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 02:49:02 AM by clips »
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Offline CHIZZY

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2006, 04:15:31 AM »
me and my menz?!??

jesus, learn to speak English.
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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2006, 04:32:00 AM »
I worked on insulating the attic in my new house then went and had a picnic on the beach and waited for teh fireworks.  Well, instead a huge ass storm blew up out of nowhere and we got drenched.  The lightning was cool as hell though, i\'ve never seen so much lightning in my life.

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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2006, 04:46:50 AM »
Quote from: CHIZZY
me and my menz?!??

jesus, learn to speak English.

now why would you tell jesus to learn to speak english...:stick:..see that\'s just not right..;)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 04:48:02 AM by clips »
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

Offline Eiksirf
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How Was Your 4th?
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2006, 05:47:53 AM »
I kicked off the day by buying Guitar Hero.  After a bit of that I went to see my friends (menz and womenz) and we had some barbecue and then went out to watch some fireworks. Not bad.
\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"


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