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Wasn\'t a fan of the first and I think Kevin Smith is full of himself, campy as his films are. Mallrats was cool though.CII seems to be getting favorable reviews though.
Chasing Amy was definately his best, IMO.A long way from best romantic comedy ever, though. I\'d be more inclined to give that to Punch Drunk Love.Clerks was overrated anyways. Funny, sure. But overrated.
Chasing Amy was his closest to the mainstream.
Actually I believe "Jersey Girl" was his most mainstream film. So mainstream, a lot of people probably didn\'t notice it was Kevin Smith\'s. I love "Punch Drunk Love." I scorn people who don\'t understand it. Philip Seymor Hoffman\'s most villainous role!!!!
Oh and yeah, Punch Drunk Love for the win! It proved Sandler could do a legit role, much like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind done for Carrey.
I love Punch Drunk too but Eternal Sunshine was forgettable. And don\'t get me started on Lost in Translation. :fighting: