Just look at that freak. Of course he killed her.
He already admitted to being in love with her and "being there when she died." He definitely did it.
How can you actually say "he definetly did it", when NOTHING he has said matches up with her death. He claims to have picked her up from school on friggin\' x-mas break. He claims to have drugged and raped her - she wasn\'t drugged and only minor vaginal abrasions were found. His EX-WIFE says he was with her the night of the murder in ANOTHER STATE. Nothing matches up, other than the fact that he says he done it.
Do I think he\'ll get convicted? It wouldn\'t surprise me, the police want to close this case, at this point, they\'ll take anything they can.
like soul said, his story doesnt match what happened at all.
why he would lie and go to jail just for some attention i have no idea.
He was facing jailtime in Bangok. Would you rather be in a US prison or a third world country prison? Yeah..
He is crazy though, now they\'re saying he at one time was trying for a sex change.