Our GameCube got regular playtime. Near-daily. Then I sold it on Sunday to help pay for the Wii.
Yeah, my brother and I enjoyed frequent, heated battles (and co-op) in Mario Tennis, Golf, and Baseball. Weekends brought 3-player HDTV mayhem at a friend\'s: Mario Kart, Bomberman Generation, and SSBM made regular appearances.
Single-player wise? I haven\'t bought a SP-centric game for it since RE4 or so. I hear Chibi Robo is very good, but with a few exceptions (Baten Kaitos 2, Zelda, a few others) and ports... the GCN is pretty much finished as a system for solo players.
RE4 was astounding, BTW. You should invest some time into it and learn how to play, Eik.