Well. It look like tomorow I\'ll buy my 1st electric guitar. I\'ve been playing acoustic for a few years now, on and off. I am really a casual player. Sometime I\'ll play 25 hours in a week then I wont touch my guitar for a 2-3 weeks.
My buddy where I work told me that I\'d probably like more playing and specially learn faster if i\'d go with an electric guitar. It\'s something I always overlooked. Tomorow it\'s time. I\'ve been praticing Master of Puppets recently and cant wait to hear it through my electric guitar.
I\'ve made my choice. the guitar will be an Ibanez RG321MH-MOL
http://www.ibanez.co.jp/eg_page.php?AREA_ID=2&PAGE_ID=372&COLOR=CL01&MODEL_NO=RG321MHfrom what I\'ve read on the internet, it\'s a pretty good "starting" guitar. The sound, the quality, the price.
Now, my problem is the amp. Keep in mind that I dont plan to gig or jam with a group. I\'ll just be playing for fun. Probably have some midi file playing in the background from my computer. The guy I work with said I should go with a Marshall.. in my price range there is this model:
http://www.marshallamps.com/product.asp?productCode=MG30DFXThe dude where I\'ll buy the guitar advise me with this model:
http://www.rolandus.com/products/productdetails.aspx?ObjectId=447&ParentId=57The same guy also told me that for that price range (30w~) the roland (299$) best the Marshall (249$ ) in every aspect. He suggest that the Vox (289$) would sound even better then the Marshall. The Roland had a very good sound . I liked the layout of the console on the top. I am really leaning toward that amp, but I dont really want to make a mistake. I\'ve read "customer reviews" from Harmony central and it\'s really strange. Either the person will rate it 9-10 or always bad like 4-5. Never something average. The Marshall, its always the same, around 7-8 with pointloss in sound quality.
Now, since there is about 24h left before the purchase.. is there any tips / comment you guys have to give ? would be really appreciated! :thumb: