Unicorn it\'s my understanding that nintendo sells it\'s consoles without a loss. How about they add hi-def and still sell it at it current price. SD resolution seems to worsen when upscaled to HD(flaws revealed), I know this after hooking my PS2 up to my New TV, and no i have 2 scalers. 1 internal the other external.
Anyhow I figure most of nintendo\'s market share are aged in the lower bracket so thet could give a hoots about HD anyways.
nintendo is trying to prove that innovation can outdo pure muscle
Granted pure muscle is only one half of the equation, even so I am tired of playing there 16 bit colored games exclusively, it would be nice to see mario in HD, i don\'t care that the wii is inferior graphically, I just wanna see it\'s output as a clean/sharp image.