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Q: "Why do you guys believe the Earth is flat?" A: Well, it looks that way up close. Also, Samuel Rowbotham et al. performed a variety of experiments over a period of several years that show it must be flat. They are all explained in his book, which is linked at the top of this article. Q: "Why do the all the world Governments say the Earth is round?" A: It\'s a conspiracy. Q: "What about NASA? Don\'t they have photos to prove that the Earth is round?" A: NASA are part of the conspiracy too. The photos are faked. Q: "Why has no-one taken a photo of the Earth that proves it is flat?" A: The government prevents people from getting close enough to the Ice Wall to take a picture." Q: "What is the circumference and diameter of the Earth?" A: "Circumference: 78225 miles, Diameter: 24,900 miles Q: "What about the stars, sun and moon and other planets? Are they flat too? What are they made of?" A: The sun and moon, each 32 miles in diameter, circle Earth at a height of 3000 miles at its equator, located midway between the North Pole and the ice wall. Each functions as a "spotlight," with the sun radiating "hot light," the moon "cold light." As they are spotlights, they only give light out over a certain are which explains why some parts of the Earth are dark when others are light. Their apparent rising and setting are caused by optical illusions.
So there is no way I can go to India from the opposite direction?
According to them no.
So whats going to happen? Will I fall off the discworld into eternal Oblivion?
The game?
So, where are pictures showing the end of the earth? I want them to PROVE it to me. Icewall WTF?!?Then i\'ll believe it......not!