Alright ive had some time to use my ps3 now for a while.
The Graphics are not mind-blowing at this point. The system looks nice and the menus are easy to use and I like the Ps-store which has some cool demos to try out (motostorm yay).
Resistence - I love this game. The graphics are nice, but not amazing. The character models are VERY nice, and if everything else was on par with that, id be blown away. The level design is wonderful and the overall graphics of buildings and structures is wonderful. The only thing I don\'t like is some of the textures and the tree-leaves look very last-gen.
Online is where the fun is at, as the online mode seems very deep. The stat tracking is amazing as it gives ribbons and medals for different acomplishments, as well as tracking your ranked and unranked stats and weapon-specific stats and other goodies. The online gameplay is fast paced as you will routinely be going up vs 3-4 enemies at once, in which case you are usually fucked - But if you are the Chimera "rage" mode lets you kick some major ass. Never a slow moment online, no camping. Run N\' Gun as well as sniping works best.
I give Resistence a 9 / 10!
The other game I picked up, not because I was really looking foward to it, just to have another game to play till some better ones come out is Marvel: UA, which I haven\'t had much time with so far. It seems very standard but if you like the marvel universe it is cool to put together a super-team of marvel heroes. I think IGN\'s 7.9/10 rating for this game is about right, as it is a very Average game.
Also, overall I\'ve played Xbox 360 (but only in-store) and PS3 now and I do not think the PS3 at this point is much, if at all, better graphically. I have not seen enough games from each system to say which is better, but whichever way it goes they arn\'t that far apart from one another right now. Hopefully Developers stop porting everything and push both consoles limits.