Yeah your first language is English and you use words like wanna, gonna, tee for t-shirt, motha fucka, etc like real words. And you ve got them in your dictionary. Which means that you ve got the ghetto dictionary
What are you talking about? Tee is not slang, it\'s a letter. A T-shirt is a shirt shaped like a Tee. And gonna is in the dictionary, but it is an informal contraction and does not sound right. Then again, a lot of English words don\'t sound right. And mother fucker is a real term. Don\'t know why you have to ghetto it up with your weird spelling.
But kudos to you for learning a language that is not only hard, but incredibly ridiculous because it is an orgy compilation of many different languages and many of the words don\'t follow any of the rules of English. You seem to have a fairly good grasp on the language (more than a lot of people I know whose second language is English), so good for you.
I still think you should get a text dictionary and not a color-by-number, picture-filled Cyprus dictionary.