First off, you need to learn how to spell Photography.
I like the style of your resume, but it sure is white. Under serving assistant, you don\'t need to say you bussed tables. What does that mean? Took care of any other needs? Like say the chef needs more beens, you go and get him beens?
Always remember, it\'s not what you did, it\'s what you say you did. Until of course you\'ve done something.
To be honest, what job would you be going for that you would be needing a resume?
I really don\'t know much about you from the resume. Usually a resume is used to quickly see if someone is worth meeting. To give the interviewer things to ask you questions about.
Since you don\'t have much to say, why don\'t you tell me what you excelled in during your Architecture classes? Or your design classes. haven\'t used mine in forever, but you can see how I gave the interviewer plenty of things that he could ask me about