well, that crappy mac monitor is the same panel as the higher end 20"+ dell models, and most other companies use the same panel. So getting that panel isn\'t bad. And why 2 dual cpu\'s? because it\'s the "pro" machine and those are Xeons not Cores and when they were introduced there weren\'t any quad cpu\'s and IIRC there still aren\'t any quad cpu\'s with a high enough yield to mass produce for the Mac Pro\'s.
It helps to do just a little research before trying to criticize something.
Chizzy, on the whole thumbnail issue, when in a folder press command+J (also known as view options)
The slider for the icons size just drag it up and it should start using thumbnails, you can choose this as the default view for all folders or just this folder.
If you still don\'t get a thumbnail just a huge .jpg icon it\'s because the file preview was lost while transferring the files, happens about 80% of the time when moving the files from one computer to another be it via internet, ethernet, ftp or just anything.
To get the preview again you must resave the file, this is just the way image files work and isn\'t limited to macs, windows or any operating system. Quick and easy way that I\'ve used is a batch process in photoshop, just tell it to open the images and resave them. Should be doable in iPhoto or other image management apps.
I am of course assuming you wanted thumbs for your images. If your wanting video\'s it get\'s trickier, but I usually just browse in column view, when the file is clicked the finder will show a small preview, grap the first frame from the video, granted that the file is something quicktime understands.