What does the stability do for you then? Or the lack of spyware? The lack of virus?
Unless you\'re incompetent and/or retarded, spyware and viruses really aren\'t a problem. And neither is stability, as long as you know how to keep Windows maintained, which really actually doesn\'t take much effort as long as you know what you\'re doing. I\'m not going to argue Windows stability versus OS\'s with a UNIX/Linux core, because the latter is more stable. However, OS X
does crash and when it does, it crashes HARD. The term for OX crashing is called a "kernel panic" and it is not a pleasant experience. OS X also needs to be maintained, despite popular belief, but everyone uses the spyware/virus/trojan/your mom excuse when it comes to talking about the two. It really isn\'t an issue, but since most people would rather not learn how to maintain something that contains their valuable data, the lazy way out would be to just not care...or get a Mac. Macs can be very easily hacked and that has been demonstrated time and time again. People can take over your entire system without you being aware. Just because Macs have a lot less viruses and spyware does not make them invulnerable to other means of attack. And Macs do get viruses from time to time. They are just less frequent, but with the advent of an ever-increasing userbase, more and more people are going to want to find ways to attack Mac users. It\'s just not first on their priority list because Microsoft owns most of the OS market.
I love Macs. And I love Windows. I know how to keep them both maintained and rarely have issues. Once in a blue moon I get some kind of virus or spyware on Windows and the moment it\'s on my system it is eradicated immediately.
There are much better arguments for using OS X over Windows XP, but the virus/spyware argument is just lame.
I think it might be the retarded mouse and completely unintuitive desktop.
And you think the Windows desktop is intuitive? It hasn\'t changed much since Windows 95. And you can use any USB mouse on OS X, not just the one it comes with. Just thought you should know...in case you miss the whole right-clicking thing...although the new Macs have two-button mice.