Yes, that\'s what a gimmick is. Each console has its own gimmicks going for it. These are good things, they sell systems, get people\'s interest.
Every Wii game I\'ve played uses the remote.
Does it use every feature of the remote? Not always. Should it? No. Only when it makes sense? That\'s more like it.
Look at the DS. Not every game makes you use the microphone, it\'s there for games that need it, and not used for games that don\'t. There\'s nothing wrong with that, and there\'s nothing wrong with the way companies have or have not used the motion sensing of the Wii remote at this point.
Companies will use it as they see fit. I just don\'t see what we\'re trying to get at with all this.
At least with the definition of gimmick out of the way, we can agree that all systems and indeed all consumer products have at least one hook or gimmick, and that that\'s not only not a bad thing, but completely normal.