Came out on DvD this past Tuesday. Going by what i\'ve read on the net it has very mixed reviews.
And I can see why, it can be very hard for some to follow. Espeacially a big time critic who was expecting a standard three act movie.
I personally really enjoyed it, a lot. Mainly in part because of the score that accompanied it. Gave it a very haunting feel, espeacially the parts in deep space.
People don\'t appear to have any middle ground on this movie, they either really like it or really despise it. Some people see it as art, others see it as a jumbled mess. I guess the same can be said about a Jackson Pollack painting, to some it looks like someone just splashed paint on a canvas recklessly while to others its a beautiful piece of art.
Anyways, pick this up for a rent if your looking for something different.
Watch it. Then watch it stoned.