Ok Raz, I\'m guessing you aren\'t old enough to understand or have experienced drugs and alcohol. I\'m guessing you are probably what, like 14? 15? Maybe a fundie? You cannot bash weed just because you perceive it as "bad". Have you ever tried it? Seen it? Known people who smoked it? Thought not. Also, its legal in just about every part of the world. Native Americans used it as a spiritual drug for thousands of years before the "white man" came. Its also legal to possess in like half the US. Also, our prison systems are so packed with criminals, most of which are marijuana and other drug dealers that if they decriminalized just pot, there would not be as many problems with criminals in our prisons as there are today. I\'m paying my taxes to support these people for what, selling a little bit of weed? Its not like weed does anything to your body. Actually, they are finding that old hippies aren\'t getting Alzheimer\'s so they think there\'s a link.
BTW, smoking weed and sexual activity is a lot of fun. I just wish my friend with benefits smoked weed too or else I\'d fuck her while high. Almost got laid one day when I was stoned with this one chick though. Her and her fucking period :rolleyes:
Joker, sometimes I\'m not responsible and smoke weed then go to work. However, you have to understand the nature of my job. I get treated horribly by my managers, get paid minimum wage of Jersey (7.15), and my job is so routine I can do it stoned and still interact perfectly with customers. Actually, when I do floor work at the store, I do a better job and get my job done faster and more efficiently. I just hated it that one day I showed up stoned, they made me work the food. Damn that was torture
But when I work in my department (photo lab), I pay closer attention when I\'m touching up pictures.