I only smoke marijuana when i\'m looking to change my sobriety. In leu of sounding like an idiot teenager bragging about past drug experiences I won\'t go into what i\'ve tried in the past. Long story short I had problems with hard chemical based drugs a few years ago and had to get it under control and out of my system. I always feel silly talking about drug use over the net. But I don\'t mind talking about ganja because well...in Canada it is just not that big of a deal. I smoke weed because I hate alcohol, yes I know i\'m a bitch. Your girlfriends / wives could drink me under the table.
So on the weekend when i\'m hanging out with some friends, I will nurse one beer for the entire night and hit the pipe while everyone around me gets plastered.
Same on my days off if i\'m just chillaxin at home, as it has been stated earlier you just have to be responsible with it. I see people who get high and go to school the same way I see people who get drunk and go to work. When I was a teenager I use to smoke it with my friends like it was going out of style. These days I only do it at appropriate times.