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Myspace has been weird to me last night and today. It keeps asking for me to login (which it shouldn\'t since my password is saved). Then when I do login, it says "You Must Be Logged In to Do that".
yahoo is a pile of wank, I know lots of people who have had their yahoo accounts deleted for no reason.but if you go into any yahoo games/chat room, you\'ll find them flooded with chat bots advertizing porn sites, those accounts never get deleted.
I\'m pretty sure. Who would hack me? Its done it a couple times. I\'ll change it next time I\'m on. I need to change my email address anyway since yahoo canceled my email and I didn\'t even know it.Its weird because I can\'t even get into my yahoo account. It was cancelled once a few months ago because it was inactive but I sign in once ina while but I can\'t sign in now.
MySpace is stupid, but your cookies probably have something to do with it.
I think you just suck at computers.