Evil? It\'s business, you act as if HD DVD will bring the end of the world. They are no more evil than Sony was for forcing users to own a BLU RAY machine if they want a PS3. Evil? No. Business? Yes
Good business is promoting a product to put money in your pocket. Evil business is promoting a product just to test out codecs on it and hopefully the possibility of stalling a new format from replacing an old one so you can replace the old one with your own technology that is not ready yet at the expense of the public.
I don\'t get how you can say Sony forced a BD drive on us. What did you expect them to use, DVD? If Microsoft \'forced\' things on us like the HD-DVD drive maybe their systems would last longer than 4 years.
When have you been critical of Sony?
Many occasions. Currently I think Sony made a big mistake in making 2 versions of the PS3. Hopefully the 60GB will dissappear soon and they will only sell the 80GB for here on out. But sadly they throw a cheaper 40GB console in their for you whiney brats. $100 more than the Elite and you get so much freakin\' more and all you want to do is cry. Then the next day you go buy $500 aluminum heads for your car to go a tenth of a second faster. After that you spend who knows how much making your car look like a 2fast2furious reject. Don\'t bug me about the PS3\'s price because of bluray. If you want to get a PS3, and you aren\'t a minium wage bum, you can get one eventually if you only wanted to. Anyways, the 360 is such an utter complete ripoff, even compared to Sony\'s high European price Microsoft charges WAY too much for every little stinkin\' add on to that chippy console. You can easily spend $200 just to make your Premium 360 have wireless internet and a HDD bigger than what computers had 15 years ago. Crap, even the PS2 hadd a bigger HDD. CRAP, some 360s don\'t even got a HDD. They make you buy $60 memory cards for just what, 64 MBS OF SPACE?! What a friggin rip off thats a rip off. Call blu-ray and ps3 a ripoff but you let BS like that slide how freain\' pathetic!
I hold no allegiance to any company. I will say that MS messed up by not including the HD DVD drive from the start. I will say that Sony messed up with a high launch price and no decent games. I will say that Nintendo messed up by under-powering the Wii in the long term. All you keep doing is spreading the word and gossip of Sony.
Microsoft and Sony had no way out of what you said. HD-DVD wasn\'t ready when Microsoft rushed the X-Flop to the stores. It cost Sony $850 to make one PS3. And their game library is no worst then the 360\'s was at launch. Yet all of you rushed to it like a dog to it\'s vomit then you want to ridicule me for buying a PS3. HYPOCRITE!
It\'s not doing great, but a deathbed is bit premature. Still, I would say that neither format is exactly standing out to the mainstream people. I know plenty of people who have a PS3 and don\'t buy BLU RAY films. Until price comes down and a compelling reason to buy into the HD market, neither format will truly take off.
The best way to describe HD-DVD is that it\'s got AIDS. It\'s gonna die only thing they can do is try to keep it on life support as long as possible. Microsoft just loves that . Friggin\' pricks. Supporting the underdog for their own selfish reasons. Fabulous. And the formats dont need to take off for one to die. HD-DVD is bbeing outsold 3-1 and soon 4-1. Who is going to support crap like that? 30GB vs 50GB it never was a wore it was a slaughter
RPG\'s almost always take up multi-discs. Not surprised. Does it really hurt anyone to switch discs?
Halo 3 being three discs, the third disc will be extra features and what not. Can\'t really count that.
I haven\'t played an RPG in 8 years (PS1 FF8) that had multiple discs. I never played a PS2 game that had multiple discs. Don\'t give me that crap man. And yeah it hurts to switch discs. Why should we have to get up and switch discs when there is technology available to delete that? Why should we? I\'m sure the developer hates putting their data across multiple discs as well. And Hal 3 being 2 and 3 discs is going to blow so bad. If it was on PS3 it would be just 1 disc. Crap, they could fit 2 Halo 3s in a 50Gig BD. It\'s gonna blow so bad having to change discs to play single player and then multiplayer. Crap!