Microsoft\'s motives behind backing HD-DVD are evil.
Evil? It\'s business, you act as if HD DVD will bring the end of the world. They are no more evil than Sony was for forcing users to own a BLU RAY machine if they want a PS3. Evil? No. Business? Yes
In case you haven\'t noticed I own both Sony and Nintendo consoles. I have been very critical of Sony on many occasions in this very forum. I am not a conditioned mindless robot server of Sony, but you on the other hand are different.
When have you been critical of Sony?
I hold no allegiance to any company. I will say that MS messed up by not including the HD DVD drive from the start. I will say that Sony messed up with a high launch price and no decent games. I will say that Nintendo messed up by under-powering the Wii in the long term. All you keep doing is spreading the word and gossip of Sony.
HD DVD is on it\'s deathbed
It\'s not doing great, but a deathbed is bit premature. Still, I would say that neither format is exactly standing out to the mainstream people. I know plenty of people who have a PS3 and don\'t buy BLU RAY films. Until price comes down and a compelling reason to buy into the HD market, neither format will truly take off.
Blue Dragon (AAA RPG for 360) is 3 DVDs
Halo 3 will be 2 DVDs and the special edition will be 3 DVDs
RPG\'s almost always take up multi-discs. Not surprised. Does it really hurt anyone to switch discs?
Halo 3 being three discs, the third disc will be extra features and what not. Can\'t really count that.
Not building in the HD-DVD drive into the elite says alot
It says nothing..Nothing at all. Why? Quite simple...
1: The Elite simply replaced the premium. If you add in the HD DVD drive, you raise the price even more. That would make no sense.
2: You can\'t just throw in an HD DVD drive now. No developer would use it, for the simple fact it splits the market up. So, if no developer is going to use it, why force it on the people? If the HD DVD drive isn\'t in the system to begin with, you can\'t put it in half way through the consoles lifespan, at least not for games. And I already mentioned why you can\'t really put it in for movies (target price).