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Author Topic: PGR4 limited by DVD9 size  (Read 6498 times)

Offline clowd
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« on: July 31, 2007, 09:12:14 AM »
Quote from: CVG
The DVD vs Blu-Ray debate is being fired up again this morning,  as PGR4 dev Bizarre Creations blames DVD size for the reason you won\'t see different times of day in PGR4.

Speaking on it\'s offical forums,  a Bizarre spokesman said you won\'t see different times of day for the city because this involves recreating all the textures again (one for day and one for night).  Whilst this wasn\'t a problem for our dev team,  it was a problem fitting all this data on one DVD.

A bit more here:

So first there was Rockstar talking about how DVD9 caused problems for GTAIV,  now this.  Who\'s next?  Seriously,  I\'m seeing demos appear on the PS store over 1GB now.  How do developers plan to fit full 2nd, 3rd generation next-gen games on anything other than a 25GB Blu-ray dsic without some serious cutbacks/compressing? edit: multiple DVDs!

PGR4 looks like a great game, though.  It reminds me of what NFS use to be.  Too bad GT5 is so far away
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 09:13:39 AM by clowd »

Offline Viper_Fujax

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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2007, 09:56:00 AM »
actually GTAIV\'s problem was that the core 360 doesnt have a harddrive

fucking fanboy
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2007, 10:04:59 AM »
I think GTA\'s problem was going on the 360 to begin with ;) [/fanboy]
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2007, 03:54:18 PM »
i wish gta would just stay on one console dammit.  less development time spent on compatibility and more for tweaking.

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Offline clowd
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2007, 12:20:22 PM »

It\'s called damage control

M$ thinks 10+ year old technology will work this gen

I checked the offical Bizarre forums and the guy who wrote the post that started it all is really a part of the Bizarre creations staff.

A staff member said it,  not a random fanboy.  His name is Ben

I read the offical Bizarre reponse to this and it is obvious they are using sly wording to cover up what their staff member,  Ben,  said.  Their response was that the hardware and software did not stop them from making \'an enjoyable experience\'.  From what Ben said it is obvious they didn\'t try to include Day/Night textures because of the restriction of DVD so they went with altering already made textures to create Mourning/Dusk because of the lack of space.  So Bizarre\'s reponse is "We can do what we want to do with DVD"  That obviously doesnt include a want for night textures

For crying out loud a staff member said they couldnt do it on DVD.  

\'Nuff said

there will be a new xbox in 2-3 years with a blu-ray drive
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 12:25:35 PM by clowd »

Offline Samwise
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2007, 12:44:47 PM »
I also think in the long run that using regular DVDs are gonna hurt. My bet is most games push the size limit to the...eh, limit.

Have there been any multiple DVD games yet?
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Viper_Fujax

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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2007, 12:47:37 PM »
I dont think so. I think itd be a while for DVD space to be a problem. I mean..if they can fit mass effect on one DVD, theyre going to be fine for a long time. It takes a lot of time/money to fill up a DVD, so at best it will be like one HUGE game thats starting production now and comes out in 2011
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Offline Raz The Friggin Grea
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2007, 01:35:55 PM »
there will be a new xbox in 2-3 years with a blu-ray drive

Won\'t happen. Not within three years.
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Offline clowd
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2007, 02:52:06 PM »
Quote from: Samwise
I also think in the long run that using regular DVDs are gonna hurt. My bet is most games push the size limit to the...eh, limit.

Have there been any multiple DVD games yet?

Blue Dragon (AAA RPG for 360) is 3 DVDs

Halo 3 will be 2 DVDs and the special edition will be 3 DVDs

Like ViperFujax said,  expect the issue of size grow as developers get more out of the consoles.  Remember how every PS2 game was a CD at first then eventually everything was on DVD.

Resistance Fall of Man (PS3) is 14 GBs,  and I\'ve heard elsewhere that Heavenly Sword and Lair (PS3) are in the teens (GB).  Hideo Kojima wants a 50GB blu-disc for MGS4.

Insomniac says Ratchet and Clank will take up more than RFOM\'s 14GBs

Raz,  good point.  I forgot about how MS is in bed with Toshiba\'s HD-DVD.  There won\'t be a BD xbox until HD-DVD is on it\'s deathbed,  then again it wouldn\'t surprise me to see MS backstab Toshiba in 2 years and make a BD Xbox.  Not building in the HD-DVD drive into the elite says alot

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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2007, 03:41:57 PM »
HD DVD is on it\'s deathbed
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2007, 03:52:18 PM »
Raz, good point. I forgot about how MS is in bed with Toshiba\'s HD-DVD. There won\'t be a BD xbox until HD-DVD is on it\'s deathbed, then again it wouldn\'t surprise me to see MS backstab Toshiba in 2 years and make a BD Xbox. Not building in the HD-DVD drive into the elite says alot

W0W!!!! are you done with your Sony Zealot rant. So M$ is in bed with Toshiba while SONY is in bed with itself in regards to blu-ray. Where do you even come up with idea that M$ will incorporate a blu-ray disc reader. You act as if HD-DVD is a dead format which it clearly is not.

You know what is sad, your a product of years of marketing and have allowed yourself to be a conditioned mindless servicing robot, who lacks logic and reasoning. There is no point is making these posts cause most people here aren\'t going to take them serious, in essence your TRANSPARENT.
I mean for god sakes if your going to be Sony little Hench man at least get paid for what your doing.

All your do here is SPREAD  :piss: [SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"] FUD [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

Offline clowd
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2007, 05:13:06 PM »

Microsoft\'s motives behind backing HD-DVD are evil.

Microsoft will incorporate Blu-ray drivers in their next console when HD-DVD fails.  Do you expect them to keep DVD for the third Xbox?

In case you haven\'t noticed I own both Sony and Nintendo consoles.  I have been very critical of Sony on many occasions in this very forum.  I am not a conditioned mindless robot server of Sony,  but you on the other hand are different.

You have been known to be a Microsoft Xbox chearleader.  I can\'t remember one positive thing about Sony ever coming from your mouth.

Sorry if the facts and truth I post rattle your confidence.  Call it FUD,  but you know better

Offline Viper_Fujax

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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2007, 05:20:17 PM »
1) iv rarely seen you be critical of sony. mainly because recently its been nothing but sucking sony\'s dick and playing with their balls in a glee of joy.

2) their motives are evil? its a fucking business

3) we arent being negative of sony. we\'re being negative about ur one-sided bullshit

4) that source..iv never heard of

take shit you hear with a grain of salt for once
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Offline Raz The Friggin Grea
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PGR4 limited by DVD9 size
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2007, 06:33:58 PM »
Microsoft\'s motives behind backing HD-DVD are evil.

Evil? It\'s business, you act as if HD DVD will bring the end of the world. They are no more evil than Sony was for forcing users to own a BLU RAY machine if they want a PS3. Evil? No. Business? Yes

In case you haven\'t noticed I own both Sony and Nintendo consoles. I have been very critical of Sony on many occasions in this very forum. I am not a conditioned mindless robot server of Sony, but you on the other hand are different.

When have you been critical of Sony?

I hold no allegiance to any company. I will say that MS messed up by not including the HD DVD drive from the start. I will say that Sony messed up with a high launch price and no decent games. I will say that Nintendo messed up by under-powering the Wii in the long term. All you keep doing is spreading the word and gossip of Sony.

HD DVD is on it\'s deathbed

It\'s not doing great, but a deathbed is bit premature. Still, I would say that neither format is exactly standing out to the mainstream people. I know plenty of people who have a PS3 and don\'t buy BLU RAY films. Until price comes down and a compelling reason to buy into the HD market, neither format will truly take off.

Blue Dragon (AAA RPG for 360) is 3 DVDs

Halo 3 will be 2 DVDs and the special edition will be 3 DVDs

RPG\'s almost always take up multi-discs. Not surprised. Does it really hurt anyone to switch discs?

Halo 3 being three discs, the third disc will be extra features and what not. Can\'t really count that.

Not building in the HD-DVD drive into the elite says alot

It says nothing..Nothing at all. Why? Quite simple...

1: The Elite simply replaced the premium. If you  add in the HD DVD drive, you raise the price even more. That would make no sense.

2: You can\'t just throw in an HD DVD drive now. No developer would use it, for the simple fact it splits the market up. So, if no developer is going to use it, why force it on the people? If the HD DVD drive isn\'t in the system to begin with, you can\'t put it in half way through the consoles lifespan, at least not for games. And I already mentioned why you can\'t really put it in for movies (target price).
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