violence is their culture, and their religion.
Can you be more specific?
You were also wrong about the US attacking other Middle East countries. You were also wrong about other things to make 9/11 look like nothing, the anti-christian feelings (they were already bad there so its nothing new). Congratulations clowd, you can follow trends in warfare. This kind of stuff happens in almost every war. Insurgencies are nothing new. Assassinations and bombings are nothing new. That shit was happening even before we went in there. Get over yourself. Anyone could have guessed this.
He is not totally wrong. The US do have their eyes on other middle east countries and although this didnt happen yet due to their plans in Iraq not going as well as they predicted this might occur later.
Also Clowd didnt simply follow the trend. He accurately predicted that the war in Iraq wouldnt end, peace and democracy wouldnt come as we have been told originally by UK and US politicians and officials, and you are wrong that bombings in Iraq always occurred. These were minimal to non-existent as long as Saddam was putting things in order compared to now.
funny thing is that when Clowd was saying that things wouldnt improve in Iraq but get worse with the war as well as increasing hatred towards the US and Christians he was being mocked. Suddenly he predicted what we all knew?