Well I dont think Soviet Union can be brought as an example considering its extreme nature of the circumstances, the civil war, cold war, etc etc
As for capitalism and the living states under the system, well thats because we live in states that feed from those that fell apart because of capitalism, there is government intervention
only as long as people notice issues, and politicians fear of political cost. it\'s still early until people realize and see clearly the problems that are in front of them and the decline of the system hasnt become apparent. But thats because it is still a newborn system and seems "healthy". Monarchies, feudalisms have had far bigger histories than capitalism with long durations of flourishing as well. Someone, depending on the class he belonged to, in these ages could have easily assumed "our states are thriving and our system are the best" when at the same time they were far from being good systems for people. Many times such systems were thriving in ages of corruption, and indirect confinement of human thought and knowledge. Until hundreds of years later they declined, living room for capitalism.
Yet there are too many serious problems considering capitalism is "new", both globally and locally but few of us understand the real state of things because we live in a routine of spectacles, materials, the impression of freedom and choice.
I know I sound pessimistic and I can not convince anyone right now, but I believe the next generations will start experiencing clearly the consequences "soon".
You make no sense.
"China is communist" = poop in snickers wrapping?
Only you could make the connection. Are all your people like you?
"China is communist" = poop in snickers wrapping?????
Oh God I thought you were smarter than that.