It\'s not Jumpy\'s fault. I blame America. I blame the young black males of America. Due to the way they represent this country, we now have a problem with people outside of our country thinking that the young black males of America are "thugs" or "gangstas". This is an epidemic. I blame the fact that 63 percent of our juvenile offenders are black. I blame the rap music of today, with Kayne West singing about broke "niggers" and his "bling bling". I blame Nas and JAY Z for their hardcore rap wars. This is not a problem for the racist, this is a problem for the RACES. We have to take our youth back, we can\'t expect them to find their way when 80 percent of all African-American children will spend part of their childhood growing up away from their fathers. That\'s 80 percent, compared to the 40 percent of Canada. We can\'t keep overlooking this. We can\'t overlook the violence of such leaders such as the 2PAC or THE B.I.G , both who are gunned down. What can we expect from our Mexican children when this is the idols they look up to? We\'ve got to elect a strong BLACK man to power. We gotta get rid of these Fergies and Lil Wayne\'s that are only corrupting on latina children. We\'ve lost one minority, we can\'t give up on the future. We gotta erase the fact that with welfare, 238,535 minority cases closed, just 65,242 recipients--about 27 percent-- left because they had job, compared to the 41,099 white people --more than 40 percent--left the rolls because they earned enough income to no longer need benefits. If we don\'t, Canada will never get rid of their racism. I blame Clips for using Ebonics on a website, he\'s representing his people.