It is repetitive, no doubt about it, since it\'s the same 4 things leading up to the assassination. Still love it. Im seeing that if you only do the story and not dick around, you\'ll probably hate the game...hence some of the bad reviews
was there untapped potential? of course..but like you stated, they were very close to biting off more than they could chew with this game, and it took them 4 years to make it what it is today..they concentrated on the smoothness of the game. Main 2 lacks is that repetition leading up to the kill and the AI is questionable sometimes. If you dont use the blend mode, that fixes half the AI problem...the other half is unfixable. Basically, if you start fighting some guards, ull end up being "unwanted" after killing a certain amount, and eventually the guards act as if you didnt just slaughter 10 guys.
Not that there\'s a set amount of kills before that happens, but it seems like if you kill the guards that saw u make the first kill, those are the only ones that react to doesn\'t transfer over that when guards seeing you fighting some guards that a bunch more come...probably because that would be never-ending. Hard to explain..more guards do come but not like an insane amount, but it does feel like it ends prematurely sometimes. But at the same time, when you kill like 10 guys and theres still one guard left, he runs away sometimes,haha
sry for that cluster-fuck of a post