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Author Topic: Mario Galaxy Video Review  (Read 7791 times)

Offline Samwise
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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #60 on: November 27, 2007, 06:24:49 AM »
I truely believe Tetris is one of the best concepts ever. It\'s so simple, yet clever and addictive.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Phil
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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #61 on: November 27, 2007, 06:40:44 AM »
Quote from: mm
come on LIC, don\'t quit now when you\'re down.
think of a valid point that you don\'t have to include an insult with and you\'ll have some credibility again.

phil, tetris is "fun" like doing crossword puzzles.
fun for a short time, but not "stellar".

tic-tac-toe is a simple game, and never really ends in a win unless somebody fucks up.

i\'ll certainly agree with the games that tetris spawned, like "tetrisphere" or "tetrisnet".   take an otherwise boring game and add a 3d environment or multiplayer?  now we\'re talking.

Agreed that tetrisphere is an awesome game.

Still believe that the original is more than boring and the fact people still play the game is a testament to its power.

And please, we\'re comparing video games here. Although I don\'t think anyone would disagree that crosswords and tic-tac-toe are pretty much the pinnacle of pen and paper puzzle games.
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
Demon\'s named Phil.  -LIC

Offline GmanJoe

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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #62 on: November 27, 2007, 06:44:09 AM »
Okay. Back to the subject. Wii is a gimmick. :)
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #63 on: November 27, 2007, 07:21:39 AM »
A fun gimmick that has more than just mediocre games.
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
Demon\'s named Phil.  -LIC

Offline GmanJoe

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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #64 on: November 27, 2007, 07:27:56 AM »
Quote from: Phil
A fun gimmick that has more than just mediocre games.

Wii Sports and Mario Galaxy. The rest are average at best.
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #65 on: November 27, 2007, 08:00:22 AM »
Quote from: Unicron!
Farthermore you ignore the effect of time. Tetris was "stellar" in its time. But what was considered stellar before may not be considered stellar today. Today it is just like any other puzzle game found all over the internet unless it passes through major redesign. The only people that recognise its impact is people that experienced it at younger ages like us. And even people like us today may ignore pass it.

Kind of how space invaders and the original pac-man was back in the day. I see his point, these games,..*tetris included* were simple yet fun,..hell you could find tetris on practically every cell phone and when adults are waitin around in the airport for their flights, that\'s what you see them playin\'....but were they stellar?....hard to say...by today standards, no,...but back then? probably since the tech was generally the same back then and nobody really had games with deep depth or games really tryin to push the envelope....but the games mentioned stood out from the other arcade games as the most popular.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 08:02:23 AM by clips »
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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #66 on: November 27, 2007, 12:44:31 PM »
I\'m gonna have to agree with unicron on this one. The point is, when it comes down to it, tetris is not a game that is gonna justify calling wii a succes/console with great 3rd party support, stellar as it might (or might not) be.
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #67 on: November 27, 2007, 01:33:06 PM »
Meh, I never meant to imply that tetris was going to make or break the console (I completely forgot it was on the virtual console to be honest).

Nintendo is never going to have third party support, they\'ll have a short list of great games and that will satisfy the majority of people who own the console (which is a lot of people right about now).  They\'ll never appeal to the hardcore gamer market either, but that isn\'t to say what they make is mediocre.  Just because it appeals to the casual gamer, and lacks the 80 hour epic masterpiece, doesn\'t mean its unsuccessful or somehow lacking.  Its just good design.
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
Demon\'s named Phil.  -LIC

Offline Raz The Friggin Grea
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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #68 on: November 27, 2007, 02:39:53 PM »
Quote from: GmanJoe
Wii Sports and Mario Galaxy. The rest are average at best.

My Hi-Def movie collection (much smaller than the SD one).

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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #69 on: November 27, 2007, 03:04:40 PM »
Quote from: Samwise
I truely believe Tetris is one of the best concepts ever. It\'s so simple, yet clever and addictive.

Kinda like crack :shy:
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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #70 on: November 27, 2007, 03:17:11 PM »
My review is in. I only have 110 stars, but I feel I\'m qualified...

Game of the Year. Over BioShock. Over The Orange Box, even.

Got a Wii? Buy this fucker.
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.

Offline GmanJoe

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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #71 on: November 27, 2007, 03:20:23 PM »
Quote from: Raz The Friggin Grea

Didn\'t like Zelda or Metroid. Never got into SSMB.
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

Offline Unicron!
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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #72 on: November 27, 2007, 03:26:58 PM »
Quote from: Phil

So you\'re saying that the wii lacks game with great execution, depth, and originality?  The titles themselves may be done to death but nintendo always brings something new to the table and they are consisitantly high in production standards.  And to dismiss a game\'s quality because of its apparent lack of what you call depth, like I said before, often the simplest premise makes the most engaging games.

And to go back to tetris, because I love that game so much, is one of the greatest games ever made, it has spawned so many games and sold countless of millions of games.  Only the most jaded of gamers can not have fun playing that game (I\'m looking at mm\'s direction).  Hell I\'ve seen it converted so that even disabled kids who\'ve never played video games can enjoy it.  http://www.pitaru.com/tetris/ .  The reason why I glossed over bejewled is because, A) Its not a phenomenon like Tetris was, and B)Its not nearly as original or addicting as Tetris.

You may be sarcastic about the virtual console and Live arcade and whatever the PS3 equivalent is but do you realize how much revenue those places bring in?
I didnt say that Nintendo didnt bring any great games at all. What I said is that these games are very few and far in between on Wii and that these arent the titltes that make casuals run for a Wii.

About depth, again depth is irrelevant to simplicity and I did not imnply that depth comes from complex premises. The simplest premise can have more depth than the most complex games too.

 Tetris did a difference because it was a first in its time and this matters only for the past. Tetris may be a great "puzzle" game if you want to have a quick play, it may  still be played by many people and be considered fun but this is irrelevant. You will see extremely few people willing to pay for a simple Tetris game on a console at full price or anything at all but there are very very many people who play Tetris and similar type of games for hours as well. Bejeweled is just as fun. It is not a phenomenon because it came late. And even if Tetris is more addictive, Bejeweled is still enough addictive to come close to the "stellar" category you are descriping.

The point of my sarcasm is that these games alone (fun games if you want) dont necessarilly make a console\'s library more stellar or of better quality. They are complimenting the main library. It is a welcome addition nevertheless and one I am willing to pay for as well, but if the main library starts spawning similar type of games, altough simple and fun, they dont necessarilly improve the quality of the library and this is what I see on Wii. I might get a Wii play a Wii specific game for a some hours like Wii Sports which I ll enjoy A LOT at first (tried it once|), but if it starts getting repetitive, and lacks variety then it wont be any better than playing an internet game alone. Casuals may enjoy it as much as they do enjoy bejeweled and even more if they play against someone else though.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 03:32:36 PM by Unicron! »

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Mario Galaxy Video Review
« Reply #73 on: December 02, 2007, 04:46:59 PM »
What\'s wrong with casuals? PSX sold like hot cakes because of the casuals. Unless all 1 billion of the people who bought it were hardcore gamers.

Quote from: GmanJoe
Didn\'t like Zelda or Metroid. Never got into SSMB.

Smash Bros Melee for GameCube is a really fun game. Any four people can pick it up and be at the same level, and its as deep as any fighting game if you learn all "glitches" and haxx.
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