:dance: Black is black. :dance:
Unfortunately, the quality of the video clip is mediocre at best, and the low-resolution makes it hard to distinguish the different between the current 50" Kuro Plasma and the prototype 50" Kuro Plasma Extreme Black.
but, you can still make it out if you have control room lighting or best turn the light off in your room. If you still couldn\'t see it, crank up the monitor\'s brightness to see the different between the two set.
From the start, manufacturers like Panasonic and Pioneer only slightly improve the black level of their plasma year by year. If I recalled correctly, there was a time of 2 years gab period where Pioneer didn\'t improve the black level of their plasma where it still stay the same as the previous model and was behind Panasonic in term of black level.
Until, 2007 Pioneer announced their Kuro Plasma which have black level 80% deeper than their previous model, and that kind of beat the black level of Panasonic plasma.
And now 2008, Pioneer surprises and amazes everyone that they managed to completely improve the black level to absolute black. Which pretty much are way ahead of Panasonic in term of black level for a plasma display. Not only that, but they also beat Panasonic 50" plasma prototype in term of screen thickness too.
So, now Pioneer is way ahead of Panasonic in that area.
The scientists, engineers, or whomever that built that plasma got a standing ovation from me. A really big one. They did what many thought were the impossible, but at this pace is incredible.:applause::applause::applause: