Honestly.....I want to throw some insult out there, but I can\'t find one. I mean, Paul\'s rambling and ranting is so inchorent that all I gathered out of it was the following.
1: Asians wanna look white.
2: People who have no lips give you stuff to make ya\' poop.
3: He had a heart attack. Or did he? He says it was close, but then he says he did - so I\'m so very confused.
Well, I\'m not goin\' to insult, because obviously he has some issues, but boy I haven\'t been this confused since Kopking wanted to know about Chuck Norris.
And for the record, anytime you take a medication, you may suffer an adverse effect. It\'s just part of it. I\'ve experienced it first hand when a medication perscribed to me made my throat almost swell shut. Scarey experience, but it\'s just the way it works. Doctors can only try to minimize the risk factor of taking a new medication.