Originally posted by GameRiader
listen people, of course DC has better games out right now (well, not many are better), Living-In-Clip, stop saying the DC games are better because the ps2 wasnt out that long. lets try and piss you off. I REALLY THINK U R DUMB. U R DA 1 WHO CANT DEBATE PROPERLY. I THINK U R ALSO STUPID DA WAY U THINK. U AND ALL THOSE DC FANS. U GUYS NEED 2 GET A LIFE, MAN. REALIZE AT LEAST DAT DA PS2 WILL WIN IN DA FUTURE. GET DAT STR8 AT LEAST. IF U DONT THINK DA PS2 WILL B BETTER THAN DC IN DA FUTURE, THEN U WILL SURELY B TURNED DOWN (NOT SAD 2 SAY) B-CUZ U R REALLY IGNORANT. ok, that probably set him off. hey living-in-clip, after reading my post, are you ready to change the subject to my spelling like you did already so many times? hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
P.S. i dont care what the next person writes about me on their post.
P.S 1- all the people who dont know that ps2 WILL be better, they got another thing coming.
Do you honestly thing your small minded derogatory insults bother me? You are not "setting me off". I just think it is amusing you enjoy posting and showing how ignorant you are constantly. While your waiting for decent games, other people are enjoying excellent games on the DC. And by the time the PS2 gets decent games, it will be close to launch for the Xbox and GC . And the Xbox is securing enough games and developers, to make people question the PS2. Never the less, I\'m not sure how you figure I will be missing out on anything. I
do own a PS2. So, even if the PS2 is the greatest thing, it doesn\'t effect me, as I already own one. You should also note, you give Sony fanboys a bad name. If a newbie came here and read your posts, they would get the impression that all Sony fanboys had the IQ of around 20 or so. By the way, you should also take more time to read the posts and process them through that little mind of yours. I said "right now" the DC has the best games.
Also, note that I do not expect Sega to out do the PS2. I never said that. I simply said at this current time they have the better system. The DC cannot live past the Xbox / GC / PS2. No one is going to argue that fact (\'cept Altered maybe.
). But, I do not expect the PS2 to dominate the market like some blind \'lil fanboys (i.e, GameRaider).
i disagree
sega have ****ed up there. reputation with the (whats it called) oh yeh sega saturn. A lack of advertising was what set segas, fate and that will follow them until they do something really specatular.
Sure its the games that make the console, but sony having so many 3rd parties everyone can expect more from the games and not just mario, and sonic the dmn hedgehog.
The Sega Saturn done quite well in Japan, but even Sega admits it was "stillborn". The Saturn was home to some of the greater import games. And what is this about just Sonic the Hedgehog? There has been a total of 2 Sonic games on the DC, with a third coming soon. Now, take that and divide it by the many other games such as MSR, Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio, Skies of Arcadia , Phantasy Star Online and not to mention the plethora of Capcom games. Obviously, there is more then Sonic games on the DC. And if that was the logic, the PS would of been doomed. Why? Because it had a total of 5 Crash games (Crash 1- 3, Crash Team Racing, Crash Bash). People like mascots though, so they buy them. Which is one reason the Saturn failed in the US. It was never home to a decent Sonic game. Instead, Sega gave us things like ClockWork Knight and Bug!.
Anyways, to sum it all up. I never said I expected the DC to outdo the PS2. I simply said right now, it has the better games. And yes, you can argue that the PS2 just launched and that is true. But beyond a certain few games (some of which are finding their way to the Xbox) there isn\'t anything exactly compelling on the PS2 horizon.