Well for me it\'s just that every other game that comes out is a 1st person shooter....and i absolutely hate those....but i know everybody and their mother practically plays\'em hence why they\'re bein\' created...it just seems to me that this current console generation is being completely domninated by it...i;ve also been noticing that the current length of games are now bein\' cut down to what? 4 - 6 hours for some games?...that is unacceptable....but to offset that, they add more content for online play...again...i understand EVERYBODY is online nowadays...but online is something that i just don\'t do....
Which is why at the very beginning i stated that i was in the minority on this issue as i\'m sure most everybody else is enjoying their experience on the current systems....i\'m mostly a big fan of third person shooters and not 1st person....god of war 2 had excellent level design,great gameplay and story progression and length...todays games are barely over 6 hours....games comin\' down the pike might have more length (mgs, res evil) but it seems less is bein focused on the single player campaign and more is bein focused on online content...
I understand why they are doin it..*it\'s extremely popular*...it\'s just that in my case, it\'s completely useless for me....