i think many of us, and other students had been bullied in school in some way or another, and at least one time or more in their lives. Most just move on as it doesn\'t bother them at all. I can understand why he acts the way he did, probably because he been bullied for most of his live hood.
I just don\'t understand why he wanted to kill his mom or his sister though. Unless they did something awful to him to make him that upset at them...if he had been bullied that much by kids in school, why don\'t the school, or his parents, or his friends if he had any do something about it? Like punish the bullies by suspending them in school, and had them apologize to him and promised not to bullied him anymore so he can get the closure he needs so he can move on...
in my experienced, i been bullied too like many other students had, and like many, they never bother me though as they never haunt me or upset me at all. I do get upset the day i got bullied but within an hour, i forgot about it and it never bother me afterward.
I don\'t know about anybody else, usually i hate being falsely accused, and being misunderstood more than somebody doing something mean to me. Again, what this individual teacher had done to me had causes me lots of frustrations, pain, and still haunts me to this day. I do suck at life, and I am struggling trying to move on but i still frequently get headaches that bring back uncomfortable and upsetting memories of what this teacher did. I been going through near death experiences from people doing mean things to me, and after i knew why they did that, i finally got the closure and move on. And what those people did that causes me near death experiences is like 100 times worst than what this teacher done to me. But what this teacher done to me had causes me psychological damages. and it\'s really hard to recover.