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Author Topic: GC or x-box? I have my choice...  (Read 9369 times)

Offline Animal Mother
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Heh hell yeah! Konami doesn\'t tend to do what Capcom does. Rename games with a few bells and whistles. My guess is that it will be the original PSX version. No one has EVER said it\'s MGS2. Just bull**** rumors. Kojima himself also said MGS2 was to "tricky" to port to other systems. Remember that MGS2 official Messesge board he anwsers himself?
\"You know back before the war broke out I was a saucier in San Antone. I bet I could collar up some of them greens, yeah, some crawfish out the paddy, yo\'! Ha! I\'m makin\' some crabapples for dessert now, Ya hear! Hell yeah, ha!

Offline Animal Mother
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GC or x-box? I have my choice...
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2000, 04:48:25 PM »
the BBS says it all

Acutally Ddaryl, if MS goes bankrupt, Bill gates would be poor. well not really. He only has around 200 million dollars CASH. All his money is in MS stock, and as the MS stock sinks, Gates loses money.
\"You know back before the war broke out I was a saucier in San Antone. I bet I could collar up some of them greens, yeah, some crawfish out the paddy, yo\'! Ha! I\'m makin\' some crabapples for dessert now, Ya hear! Hell yeah, ha!

Offline ddaryl
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GC or x-box? I have my choice...
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2000, 04:48:26 PM »
Originally posted by @iReS

I mean no disrespect (NOT!), but you should do a little thinking before you post a stupid reply,
if computer (a) is putting out 4 m/sec and (b) is putting out 1m/sec, but the four that (a) is putting out is undevided then 9B0 will be putting out just as much, and if you say that I am wrong about that the n I am going to slap you, these things are tought to you in grade 10 for crying out loud.

i\'m sick of you retards acting all smart when alls I am doing is posting my Oppinions which are based around facts that I have picked up from actually taking a ps2 apart, and like I said before, if you don\'t believe me, or don\'t want to believe me (all the X-Box fanboys), then don\'t like I give a ****, your oppinions don\'t make up my mind and whether or not you think I am right I am still gonna decide for myself.



1st call me a retard again and your banned, you haven\'t earned the right to call people names on this forum. What you fail to realize is some of us have read every single technical paper available on the web and news print and have formed different conclusions about what these machines are capable of based on facts !!!!!, and guess what they differ from you, so either except this or go away

NOW for the debate

Do you have solid proof that Nviidia is making a graphics chip for Xbox that is putting out a 4 part undivided polygon, I seriously doubt this.

Furthermore taking apart a PS2  is not going to tell you how many polygons the machine is a capable of, and why would you do this ???

and one more thing, opinion does not mean jack**** in a technical discussion only facts, and you clearly say its your opinion, but I do agree I will judge Xbox when they show off some games, and do not confuse me with an Xbox fanboy, I am no such thing, and further more you don\'t come across as someone who really knows what he is talking about, We only except factual data from reliable sources, your opinion doesn\'t count and its not going to count if your gonna **** all over people that do not agree with you or want proveable facts

[Edited by ddaryl on 12-07-2000 at 07:53 PM]

Offline Nu
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Originally posted by animal_mother1
Heh hell yeah! Konami doesn\'t tend to do what Capcom does. Rename games with a few bells and whistles. My guess is that it will be the original PSX version. No one has EVER said it\'s MGS2. Just bull**** rumors. Kojima himself also said MGS2 was to "tricky" to port to other systems. Remember that MGS2 official Messesge board he anwsers himself?

Yes, but MS has also given Konami over 100 development kits to speed up the development of all their upcoming Xbox games. It would also be very stupid on Konami\'s part to release a port of a nearly 2 year old game with a couple of slightly enhanced features and levels. It wouldn\'t sell.

So... Who knows for sure? Nobody, thats who. Lets shutup about the matter until we get some official word related to this matter.
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« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2000, 04:55:07 PM »
Animal seems to one of the few (along with me) that have not been brain washed, oh and not to mention DDaryl seems to have a pretty good grasp himself, but like DDaryl said, not too many people like MS (myself included) and why, not because they have a system that might take fame from my beloved PS2 but because almost everyday MS windows ME decides it wants to crash, so in turn, instead of being monopolized like most I went out and got me Linux which may I say is by far supperior to Windows, so you see, MS isn\'t trusted enough to beat Sony, and look at this perspective for a sec.

When PSX came out people were like "why is this T.V. maker coming out with a gaming console", "what the hell is this ****, a stereo company is competing with NINTENDO AND SEGA".
well look what happened, not only did PSX prevail but they demolished the competition, and then even when Nintendo treid to retaliate with N64 they were still beaten even though the 64 was more powerfull, so why would you say that X-box is gonna beat PS2 because it is more powerfull.

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Offline Halberto
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« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2000, 05:03:21 PM »
Originally posted by @iReS
Animal seems to one of the few (along with me) that have not been brain washed, oh and not to mention DDaryl seems to have a pretty good grasp himself, but like DDaryl said, not too many people like MS (myself included) and why, not because they have a system that might take fame from my beloved PS2 but because almost everyday MS windows ME decides it wants to crash, so in turn, instead of being monopolized like most I went out and got me Linux which may I say is by far supperior to Windows, so you see, MS isn\'t trusted enough to beat Sony, and look at this perspective for a sec.

When PSX came out people were like "why is this T.V. maker coming out with a gaming console", "what the hell is this ****, a stereo company is competing with NINTENDO AND SEGA".
well look what happened, not only did PSX prevail but they demolished the competition, and then even when Nintendo treid to retaliate with N64 they were still beaten even though the 64 was more powerfull, so why would you say that X-box is gonna beat PS2 because it is more powerfull.


It would be smart not to argue with ddaryl.

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« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2000, 05:03:49 PM »
ok daryl go ahead and temm me my last reply is not true, and while I am typing I want to clear up something because you are talking like you know a little about polygons, if the X-box is putting out 300million non devided polygons then my family is made up of monkeys and goats, you know very well that there won\'t be a system that can handle that kinda of **** for a long time (5-10 years), so yes they are undevided, and when PS2 put there specifications they said that the 66 million that Ps2 was putting out had already been tallied up.

(this is where I wanted to put my link but I could not find it)

and in any case I am not rying to put either system down I am trying to get people to be more possitive about all the systems out and be a gamer not a fanboy.  and althjough I may seem like a **** I just dont think it is fair for people to say "PS2 is the best by far", or "X-Box is gonna rule". those are fnboy comments not destinguished comments.

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Offline broonsbain
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GC or x-box? I have my choice...
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2000, 05:05:50 PM »
well if i had to cose either GC or X-Box id go with..........................................X-BOX!I wouldnt want to play some pokemon S*%T!

Offline Nu
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GC or x-box? I have my choice...
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2000, 05:08:15 PM »
300 million is the raw number, I think everyone here is aware of that. For real world use, it\'ll be 50-100. We\'ll know for sure when the hardware is finished.
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« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2000, 05:10:58 PM »
Its funny how everytime the Xbox is mentioned, a big debate starts.
\"Heh... You got burned.\"

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Originally posted by animal_mother1
Heh hell yeah! Konami doesn\'t tend to do what Capcom does. Rename games with a few bells and whistles. My guess is that it will be the original PSX version. No one has EVER said it\'s MGS2. Just bull**** rumors. Kojima himself also said MGS2 was to "tricky" to port to other systems. Remember that MGS2 official Messesge board he anwsers himself?

While Capcom may just add a few bells and whistles those games still appear to rank as the best games. Otherwise no one would be excited about the next Resident Evil, now would they?

It isn\'t even a smart move for Konami to port MGS to Xbox. I\'m not sure why you people think it would be. Konami and MS would both lose money on a port of the original MGS. Also, keep in mind Konami is a third party developer. They can port MGS2 to Xbox and there is nothing Sony can do. Sega fans said the first RE on the PS2 wouldn\'t be Code Veronica, and behold! There is more reasons supporting Konami porting MGS2 to Xbox then there is against the theory. Also, with Silent Hill 2 going to the XBox, it makes sense Konami would port another "huge hit" to Xbox. They are active supporters of the system already. I personally don\'t care, as I won\'t buy MGS2 and probally won\'t even rent the game (I hated the first). I just think its odd that people are still going on that it will be a port of a 3-4 year old game. If nothing else it will be a side story, but I doubt that will even happen.

And while you may argue the third party support of the PS2. Keep in mind that the 3D0 had around 500 developers (give or take a some). It didn\'t mean they all developed for the system. Also, Xbox is still signing developers, so that number could raise constantly.


  You sure are a misinformed Idiot Dookie. DOOKIE FOR Brains!!! ahahah. Anyway, Xbox is not 256 bit. It has a
 32 bit evuivilant processor. (Not including nvidia or pentium) Microsoft tends to overhype specs. Xbox can handle
100 MICROPOLYGONS. But I heard rumors that it can only handle around 40 million. More than GC and DC, but
 less than PS2. And the emotion engine is a hell of alot more powerful than a pentium III and Nvidia chip
 COMBINED. It\'s just not as fast. But speed isn\'t power when regarding graphics chips.

No offense, but there is no reason to go calling someone an idiot just because you think you know everything. Also, whats with this MS tends to overhype specs? Like Sony didn\'t? Come on, every company overhypes specs for people can start drooling over something.

So yes I believe XBox will be a kick ass machine but it won\'t dominate the industry. Not to mention when Xbox is
              out for $300.00 the PS2 will be $200or less with 5+ times the amount of games so Xbox might not look attractive
  to all those console buyers who refuse to pay top dollar for a new machine and thats the majority of gamers.

If that is the case, then the DC should easily beat the PS2. People will pay something that is hyped. If MS hypes it enough people will pay.

In my opinion. MS is set to be number 2 and maybe the top console when it comes out.

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GC or x-box? I have my choice...
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2000, 05:18:42 PM »
since nobody seems to want to answer the original question, i will. I would take a NGC over an x--box any day. If it\'s all about the games then nintendo should be your choice.

Offline Animal Mother
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GC or x-box? I have my choice...
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2000, 05:21:21 PM »
And Mr. Living-in-clip came along and debunked everyone with his BS.
\"You know back before the war broke out I was a saucier in San Antone. I bet I could collar up some of them greens, yeah, some crawfish out the paddy, yo\'! Ha! I\'m makin\' some crabapples for dessert now, Ya hear! Hell yeah, ha!

Offline Nu
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GC or x-box? I have my choice...
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2000, 05:23:30 PM »
What BS?
\"Heh... You got burned.\"

Offline Living-In-Clip

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GC or x-box? I have my choice...
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2000, 05:26:45 PM »
Originally posted by animal_mother1
And Mr. Living-in-clip came along and debunked everyone with his BS.

I love how when you can\'t handle someone elses opinion, you get your panties in a bunch. I\'m not the one going around spreading ANTI-MS on every little thread that may have MS in it. I\'m also not the one who calls other people idiots, just because you don\'t quite agree with them. You seriously need to take a valium and some anger mangement classes.


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