I can honestly say, I have never even loaded Starcraft or Diablo up. Maybe, just maybe, I should give \'em both a chance.
Wasn\'t Hellgate: London a non-official sequel or sequel in spirit, to Diablo? I know it was by the most the same crew, they just broke off from Blizzard and went and made it. Either way, that game blew total donkey nuts, which is a shame, because I really, really was looking forward to it.
Hellgate: London did have some of the guys who made Diablo 1 on it. Which was a dumbass selling point in the first place IMO. Videogame sites were hyping up Hellgate because of the Diablo connection. But what I never understood was why they were bragging about being the ones who helped make a game from the PSX era. Technology in the time from Diablo to Hellgate is like night and day.
Hellgate ended up sucking loads of dick and yes some fans were trying to say it was like a sequel in spirit to Diablo. But Diablo fans are rabid and will grasp at straws from anywhere, the idea of another Diablo esque game was very appealing to some people because of course Blizzard hasn\'t done anything with the franchise in years. Hell even I was excited for Hellgate London....then I played the demo.
Funny tho, even with all the improvements in developing videogames Hellgate was still laughable and has no right being mentioned in the same sentence as Diablo 1 or 2.
I don\'t know if Diablo would be your cup of tea LIC but if your into RTS\'s I do suggest trying out some SC. Lots of fun and the online community for it is still pretty massive for being a decade old.
I remember watching a thing on Tech TV about how seriously Starcraft is taken in South Korea. Kids dropping out of school to play Starcraft fulltime in tournaments and win hundreds of thousands of dollars. One story was about a kid from a poor family who was supporting his family based off his Starcraft winnings. They also broadcast their tournaments live on TV over there cause its like really big time to them.
Not suprisingly Seoul, South Korea is where they premiered Starcraft II.
EDIT: New image today has all the runes representing the Blizzard games illuminated (like the summoning portals in Diablo 2 you activate before you fight him?) also a new winking smiley face rune and something I can\'t make out to the south of the eyes. We\'ll know by this afternoon