dude, just because you say you aren\'t racist doesn\'t mean it\'s true...
I don\'t think you\'re a bad guy alltogether, but you definitely have a racist feel to your posts. Always talking about \'white folks\' followed by \'just kidding\', but you can\'t help slipping in a last stab at the subject by saying stuff like: but i\'ve seen interviews of ignorant white folks sayin\' "see? we\'re bein wiped out in our own country....we don\'t need dem\' minorities breeding with us".......
If you\'re really not racist you wouldn\'t be talking about racist white folk, you would be talking about racist people in general....
I see where you\'re comin\' from....but i can only tell you what i experience over here in the states,...it\'s sad,..i can tell you stories to this very day of how i\'ve been stared at funny...even followed indirectly at the supermarket,... i\'m not racist at all, but when i run into these scenarios with these a**holes, it pisses me off. From the very beginning the only thing blacks ever wanted was equal rights.
I\'ve never really met a black person that straight up just hated white people...do they exist? yep, but i think it\'s a very small portion of the population....back in tha day we would march peacefully to be accepted by the white population, nobody was spreading hate, we only wanted respect, and yes we did get highly upset at the cross burnings and the lynchings,...
When i was younger, the only knock me and my menz had against white folks would be that if we wanted to go play basketball on that nice court that happens to be in a white neighborhood, the first thing that came outta our mouths was that,"i\'m tired of gettin\' pulled over by the cops"....
my main point is that black folks just wanted to be accepted by the white majority, we did not hate them, but the white people involved did hate us just for the very color of our skin....and the thing is it just wasn\'t your local people in the neighborhood or joe blow from the corner store..this was basically the entire u.s. gov\'t that felt this way. Hopefully alot of those a**holes from that generation is startin\' to die off, but some are still passin\' on that ignorance to their kin, so we\'ll always have to deal with it on some level...
You shouldn\'t be offended by what i say..if you\'re not a racist prick then you should have nothin\' to worry about...