LOL you are reaching. 0bozo reach across the aisle? The right hates him more than you hate Bush. Countries all over the world want the monkey to be president because he is socialist like them.
By the way the gaffe of the night was 0bozo saying "I have a bracelet too!" and he couldn\'t even remember the name on it. It was also rude of 0bozo to called Senator McCain, John all the time - while McCain called him Senator Obama. Sound trivial? Just as trivial as "McCain not looking at him and addressing the audience. Should we talk about the monkey\'s stuttering attempts to interrupt McCain? How about ear marks since you seem to think 0 did such a grand job on the economy. You can\'t raise taxes and expect the economy to recover - it doesn\'t work that way. Why won\'t the 0 admit the surge worked?
Is he like Bush in that he can\'t admit he was wrong? Doh! You are stupid clips. I my be an asshole, but most will agree you are uneducated. Typical 0bama supporter.
LIC if you don\'t like it don\'t reply.
You think i care what most people think of me on an internet site?... i could care less,...and i already stated that i\'am not knowledgeable on some aspects concerning the constitution....big deal,..i feel sorry for you since you feel it\'s such an accomplishment to think you know alot because a select few agree with your reasoning on an internet site, when that couldn\'t be further from the truth(it\'s only a difference of opinion between dems & repubs)....but now i\'m stupid?...giga you\'ve been calling obama names and acting like a childish 8 year old,..grow up and stop starting every sentence with monkey boy and "0".
I look at situations from a common sense viewpoint and i don\'t act like the "grand wizard" of politics like some are trying to be in here....and you\'re having amnesia again,..Obama did state the name of the person he received the bracelett from, and just so you know go compare Obamna & McCains economic plans for the country,\'ll find that McCains will actually cost billions more than Obama\'s... do the math...oh and newsflash, not all earmarks are bad, do know that is how alot of projects such as repairing bridges and some of our roadways are involved in earmarks right?
And Obama wasn\'t wrong about iraq overall,...we shouldn\'t have been there in the first place...and if we did pull out like he wanted, who\'s to say that those iraqi\'s would\'ve step up to the plate, since they would have been forced to get their act together?...that is a scenario that could have happened also, and while we\'re spending 10 billion a month in iraq you see how bush was so fascinated with iraq that he took his eye off the economy and now it\'s at risk of collapsing....
McCain can say whatever he wants but the fact remains that this economy crashed while his republicans were in charge and he did nothing to stop it, and he\'s been in politics for over 26 years, plenty of time to get the things done that he now states he will do differently, can\'t teach an old dog new tricks,..and that certaintly applies to McCain.
And nobody ever called bush a "chimp" i may have called him an idiot sure, but certaintly not a chimp....and Obama did win this first round of the debates,\'s as simple as that.